Rose Care

Gigi roses are fresh flowers that have been handpicked at their most beautiful stage. They then undergo a hydration process that allows them to maintain their beauty for years to come! 

Our roses are the best quality being produced in Ecuador where they have temperatures that allow flowers to grow at their most beautiful peak. 

Our roses will last a minimum of one year! However if treated properly they can remain their most beautiful for the first 3 years. The most important requirement when taking care of your roses is to ensure they are not exposed to direct natural sunlight or high humidity levels. Through the years the biggest risk to the roses is a slight discolouration. 

Advantages of preserved roses 

  • Absolutely no maintenance required 
  • Will last for years to come 
  • A natural product identical to fresh roses
  • Roses are made using non-toxic, recyclable chemicals which respect the environment 

Care & maintenance to ensure you get the most years out of your gigi roses 

  • Keep out of direct sunlight 
  • Best kept in a room temperature environment 
  • Do not expose to high humidity levels 
  • Do not water your gigi roses 
  • Do not touch the roses or take them out of their box as this will damage the delicate roses. The box acts as it’s vase. 
  • If the roses get dusty gently blow off with a hair dryer using the lowest setting.

The most important thing to remember about your gigi roses is to SHOW THEM OFF!